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Karina Kappel
Karina Kappel was born on 13th September 1984 at Hillerød University Hospital north of Copenhagen. Her father being a diplomat she spent some years of her childhood in Bulgaria during his posting to Sofia. In 1990 Karina thus started school at the Anglo-American School of Sofia, where all teaching was done in English. She thus spoke more English than Danish when a couple of years later she returned to Denmark to continue her education here. After primary and secondary school she started heading for her General Certificate of Education, matriculating from Ordrup Gymnasium (Grammar School/Senior School) in 2003. As early as the age of 6 she started receiving piano training. And the year after she had started school she participated in an international singers' talent contest in Bulgaria, scoring a nice number three in her group by singing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star..." and the Danish children's song "Lille sky gik morgentur..." ("The little cloud who went out for a morning stroll...)".When she was about six she started writing her first tunes, around the age of 10 going on to compose and produce small musicals, involving her friends as singers and actors. In 1999, before entering Grammar School, she got into contact with Hans Nielsen, the director and owner of Focus Recording, sending him some demo-tapes. It was the response she had from Hans which seriously got her ambitions moving in the direction of a career in music. After matriculation she therefore entered the Rhythmical College at Vig, Denmark, doing a term there in 2003 - 04. She was then planning to go to London to continue her studies at Vocal Tech, Thames Valley University. However, since she had continuously been writing new songs and compositions during her stay at the Rhythmical College, Hans, who had been following this development, felt that time had come to produce her first CD. And the London plans were therefore postponed. That Karina's songs are written in English is neither a coincidence nor some kind of fashion whim. It just comes naturally to her all the way back from her early childhood schooling. Karina's musical tastes room the love for classical music, R&B, blues as well as traditional jazz, this without doubt contributing to the maturity expressed in her songs. It should also be mentioned that for the last four years she has been singing with Peter Nissen's New Orleans Jazz Band in her spare time. Today Karina lives at Skovshoved, north of Copenhagen. She has got two brothers, Ulrik, 18 years, and Peter Martin, 8 years. Text from:
- 1
Fall (feat. Karina Kappel)
- 3:20
- 2
- 3:45
- 3
Sugar Bubble (feat. Karina Kappel)
- 3:42