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Cross & Drag-on
Cross refers to many artists. 1. Cross was a Canadian RAC band 2. Cross is a Croation demo rap artist 3. Cross is a hip-hop producer based out of Russia, also a member of The Mannkeyz. 4. Cross is a black/death/thrash metal band from Seattle. 5. Cross was a USA(New Mexico)Power/Progressive Metal band. 6. Yet another Cross is a Swedish progressive band, fronted by Hansi Cross. 7. And another band from Uruguay. ---------------------------- 1.) Cross was a Canadian RAC band that released the album "Rise and Conquer" in 1992. 6.) The career of this Swedish band spans over 8 albums (including a mini-symphony cd) released between 1988 and 2004. Their music has evolved from smooth, floydian like to dark, almost Crimsonesque proportions over the years. Their style could generally be described as heavy, complex neo-prog with a strong emphasis on melody. The band was founded by ex-VON LYX guitarist Hansi Cross whose highly emotional guitar work (sometimes reminiscent of Steve Hackett's) gives the band a sound approaching that of IT BITES. As for Cross' vocals, they are slightly reminiscent of Dave GILMOUR's. Their first three albums - which are grouped on the compilation disk "Dream Reality" -offer a mixture of long epics interspersed with a few pop songs; they are mostly reminiscent of PINK FLOYD and TWELFTH NIGHT, and perhaps to some extent GENESIS circa "Wind and Wuthering" but with a heavy approach. The following four albums (starting with "Paradox") are heavier, darker, and somewhat akin to RUSH, ECHOLYN or ANEKDOTEN. They feature long melodic guitar solos with spacious keyboards but also bear enough time signatures to remind you of KING CRIMSOM. Their latest release, "Playgrounds", is a bit more tame and spacey. Not essential but the first three albums may interest you if you're into GALLEON or GRAND STAND. The heavier sound of their later albums will appeal more to fans of ANEKDOTEN, LANDBERK and MORTE MACABRE. : : : Lise (HIBOU), CANADA : : :
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