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N.O. is a hip-hop group consisting of MC Anwar (Omar Bajwa) and DJ Ismo (Nick Jordan). The two have been good friends since their days at East Chapel Hill High School, where they both graduated from in 2009. In the summer of 2010 the two decided to make a few hip-hop tracks as a way to kill the summer boredom. What they hoped would end in a few tracks ended up being a full-length mix-tape. The fruits of their labor was released on December 1, 2010 in the form of the mix-tape 58 Minute Smoke Break. The group has the mix-tape up for download on their website (www.n--o.bandcamp.com). The group has little plans of stopping, what started as a way to kill the time has resulted in an intense passion for both members. They hope to continue to release numerous mix-tapes in the coming months and years.

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