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Owen Jones

Owen Jones was drummer with The Jazz Butcher, and has also drummed and/or sung with David J. (ex Bauhaus), The Lost T-Shirts of Atlantis, and Shakespeare and the Bible. His song "Don't Let Me Keep You" was released on a limited edition disc for the audience at some Jazz Butcher gigs in California. He is was in the band Onkel José until 2006 and is playing again with his band Shakespeare And The Bible since 2007. The CD, "Plus Or Minus Zero" was released in june 2009. It contains 12 original songs, to be found here on last.fm (http://www.last.fm/music/Shakespeare+and+the+Bible) www.shakespeareandthebible.de http://www.jazzbutcher.com/htdb/people/owen_jones.html another Owen Jones (Owen Michael Jones) is the singer and guitarist of the band meanwhile... and has done various works with various different people including Victor Manley of Just and Dan Wright of Dissolvedin.

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