artist page

Romany Rota
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The name Rományi Rota means Gypsy Wheels (Cigánykerék). The band was established in 1985 in Nagyecsed (Szatmár county) by young, talented Oláh Gipsy musicians. In the early years - from 1987 to 1988 - Rományi Rota worked as a traditional county dance group, but in 1989 some members of the group moved to Budapest in order to continue their activity in the capital.
# Ferenc Balogh - voice, guitar, vocal bass, spoon, derbuka
# István Nagy- voice, tamburica, buzuki, mandolin, guitar, vocal bass
# Ildikó Varga- voice
# Bela Lakatos - voice, water can, vocal bass
# Zsolt Karkas - voice, spoons, vocal bass, brum
# with Ferenc Kiss (violin) and Zsigmond Lazar (violin and viola)