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MACHETE - the solo project of singer of TOKiO Yaroslav Maly, part of Machete Records, declared itself in the spring of 2011, when the network has a video for the track "Tenderness". During the first day movie lightning broke over the network and received more than 150,000 hits. Director of the video was made by the art director of the acclaimed agency FIRMA Igor Shmelev. In a simple story told Jaroslav Maly and actress Ravshanoi Kurkova, one could recognize themselves. Debut video MACHETE often called "Internet phenomenon" and "Video of the Year", and the total number of hits on youtube and vimeo to date exceeded 20 million views - an unprecedented result for the independent Russian artist. Name of the group came together with the writing of the album title track, "Love-machete" - this is the solo project manifesto Yaroslav Maly. MACHETE album was conceived as part of the history of a number of video clips - as some stories one life. A few months after the debut of loud, leave the clips on the tracks "Do not give up" and "Boys" also captured on live camera. Director of commercials made MACHETE guitarist Ilya Shapovalov. MACHETE - Internet project unusual format for Russia, which combines the latest technology to create music and video, vivid directorial video art and heartfelt lyrics. Unconventional approach quickly brought international fame MACHETE: a few months later, the band was nominated for a MTV Europe Music Awards 2011. MACHETE success was an absolute record for Russian music. The first concerts in major concert venues in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kiev collect hundreds of spectators. In the summer of 2012 a group of MACHETE a concert at London's Russia Park at the opening of the 2012 Olympics, and then takes part in the RED ROCKS TOUR, having driven with concerts throughout Russia, where the central squares of the biggest cities in the country have already collected thousands of fans.