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Dalvin is a 19 years old singer, songwriter and composer.
His parent are from Haiti but Dalvin was born in Guyana. At the age of 15, he was introduced to the world of music by his cousin Bab (Rapper). Quickly he was attracted to Soul Music and decided to learn more by listening to Malvin Gaye, Otis Redding, Aaron Neville , LTD, Patti Labelle, Jimmy Cozier , Maria Carey , Music Soulchild , Snoop doggy dog and many others.
Dalvin sings about love and sentiments. He believes love and women are at the origin of all. At the age of 16, he met Kb, an American producer from Philadelphia who produced his first Maxi Cd in French called “Une autre vue”.
Because he did not have much say or influence on how the product was made, he became more interested in developing a new personal style which he calls” The Soul Farmer”. He has since performed live on various venues in Paris including Elysee Montmartre, Le divan du monde, L’Olympia, Opus café and The what’s up Bar. Radios: Skyrock , Generation JJ-Z, Media Tropical, Radio FG, Sport OFM. Television: The hit Machine (M6)
Dalvin sings in both English and French. His forthcoming album contains some mouth watering R&B songs, beautiful ballads and some feet stomping beats. Accompanied by Jackson , Dalvin is finally ready to hit the scene.
Dalvin is a non drinking, non smoking young man with a very bright Future.