artist page
MORA je luč metalskega sveta zagledala 23. novembra 2007, ko so se prvič predstavili domači publiki po nekaj tednih vaj. Takrat v postavi Jupoll (vokal, kitara), Nazgul (kitara), Scavenger (bass) in Zli (bobni). Sledilo je še nekaj koncertov po vsej Sloveniji in snemanje demoja “Slaughter Begins”, ki je izšel v samozaložbi. Poleti 2008 sta sledila festivalska nastopa na Metalcampu in Metal Maniji. Na obeh nastopih je za bobne sedel Shk, ki je zaradi pomanjkanja časa Zlija pozneje tudi postal član banda. Po Metal Maniji je band zapustil tudi Nazgul, za 6-strunko pa sta zagrabila Mraz in Scavenger, nakar se jim je pridružil še Mortaas na bassu, Jupoll pa je presedlal samo na vokal. Tako tudi zaradi nove postave se je spremenil stil MORA iz čistega Black Metala v bolj tehnično smer (Black/Death Metal). MORA se trenutno osredotoča na pisanje novega materiala za svoj prvi EP: Ebola.
Po nastopu na Wintecamp-u, je band zapustil vokalist Jupoll in kmalu zatem tudi kitarist
Mraz. Shk joined Obnounce.
Jupoll trenutno dela na svojem black metal solo projektu pod imenom teratom, medtem ko
pa je Mraz izdal 1. EP: From The Crypt s svojim old school death metal projektom Doomed.
Mortaas še vedno igra pri Little Ann.
MORA had there first appearance in the metal world on the 23th november 2007, when they introduced themselves for the first time to their home crowd after just a few weeks of practice. Then with Jupoll (Vocals, Guitar), Nazgul (Guitar), Scavenger (Bass, Back Vocals) and Zli (Drums). After that, a couple of gigs all over Slovenia took place and MORA also recorded their first demo »Slaughter Begins«, which they financed on their own.In the summer of 2008 two festival gigs followed, one on the Metalcamp and the other on MetalMania Open Air. On both gigs Shk, the new drummer blasted the beats instead of Zli which due of lacking time had to leave the band. After Metal Mania Nazgul has decided to leave the band, so Mraz and Scavenger grabbed the 6-strings and Mortaas joined on bass. Jupoll also left the post as the guitarist and just focuses on the singing. As about the line up changed so did their style, they have focused more on the complexity of the song and made them more technical (Black/Death Metal).
MORA are currently focusing on writing and recording new material for the first EP entitled EBOLA.
After the gig @ WinterCamp in Bohinj, Jupoll left the band and shortly after that Mraz left. Shk joined Obnounce.
Jupoll is currently working on his new black metal band. Mraz is in the process of recording with
his new old school death metal band Doomed. Mortaas is still playing with Little Ann.