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GSPD is a dance electronic project, that sending us to the recent past when, instead of the words “disco” and “tusa”, young people preferred to say the word “REIV!”. In 2017, GSPD released 2 dance EPs, which brought the author new listeners, but it was the upcoming full-track album “Rave Epidemic” (2018) that set the pace for an album supporting tour. "Rave Epidemic" is techno, pamp, electric punk and comeback at 00's, when we were young and happy. GSPD for a short time had time to actively collaborate with representatives of the Renaissance (AntiHape) label with the Glory of the CPSU, Falen MS, Cyril Ovsyankin. In the autumn of 2017, the EP was presented with the beatmaker "Mestami Exponat", as well as the track was recorded and the concert played with the "Electrophores" band.

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